First Ron Murphy OAC trip a “great day”

Jul 23, 2012

Ron Murphy hosted 6 OAC members last Thursday, returning home with a cooler full of bass caught off Monomoy. Here are some photos from the trip.

OAC Stray Cat Crew left to right: Chris Lane, JR Magee, George Scheppler, Sarah, John McShane, Peter Brooks, David “Lunker” Richardson


16 beautiful bass all caught on Capt. Ron’s Parachute Squid Fly


First Mate Sarah, Captain Ron’s niece


Capt. Ron counting the catch


Our fearless leader looking for something, probably birds


David got a late start catching stripers, but once he got started he hauled in one lunker after the other


Chris Lane (left) with one of the biggest fish of the day (center) and Sarah on the right


I think we need a bigger cooler


John McShane setting the hook


George Scheppler with a decent fish (some images are larger than they appear)


“Lunker” David and Peter Brooks, taking a break before the next round of reeling


JR Magee and Chris Lane telling fish stories


Osterville Anglers Club / Stray Cat fishing trip, July 19, 2012

About Ron Murphy & Stray Cat charters:
Ron started his charter business in 1976 and has been fishing the waters surrounding Cape Cod for 35+ years. He specializes in fishing the rips with light tackle. Ron was a teacher for over 30 years and a long-time member of the OAC. He is a regular speaker at the OAC and always willing to share his secrets of catching big striped bass out at Monomoy.

Next OAC trip: Wednesday, August 15th

The cost is $125/angler, which includes: fishing with Ron Murphy on Stray Cat, all tackle and gear and the tip for the Captain and/or crew. Everything is handled, you just need to show up. There are three spots for 7/19 and six spots for 8/15. Please contact Patricia at the OAC: 508-420-4336 or [email protected].
Payments are made to the OAC.

Spots are available on a first come first serve basis. Your email or phone call will reserve your spot, but payment within a couple days is required to hold your spot. Ron will set the exact fishing times for those dates a couple days prior based on tides and conditions at that time.

If you joined the OAC to improve your fishing skills, this is your chance. Seminars are great for information, but there is no better way to gain experience than just getting out on the water and catching fish.